Etui Bewood Unique - czyli połączenie drewna i żywicy.
Jak zapewne wiecie, już samo drewno jako materiał jest wyjątkowe i niepowtarzalne. Natura zadbała już o to, aby żaden kawałek drewna nie był taki sam. Mnogość czynników decydująca o ostatecznej barwie, strukturze czy usłojeniu drewna jest praktycznie nie do uchwycenia. Już wszystko to sprawia, że nasze drewniane etui są wyjątkowe i nie ma możliwości znalezienia dwóch takich samych egzemplarzy.
Gdy do niepowtarzalnego drewna dodamy żywicę, która wypełni każdą jego szczelinę i nadamy jej kolor poprzez umiejętne dobranie barwników i wymieszanie ich, oto mamy gotowy produkt podwójnie wyjątkowy. Tak jak nie znajdziemy dwóch takich samych kawałków drewna, tak też żywica, wraz z całym skomplikowanym procesem wytwarzania, doborem proporcji barwników i w końcu wizją człowieka, który nada jej ostateczny kształt i kolor jest materiałem, który nie sposób produkować seryjnie.
I to właśnie dlatego nasz najnowszy produkt nosi nazwę – Unique. more...
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Series sales have started!
Each series is only a few dozen pieces, when they sell out, you will not buy the same.

Delivery time from 2 to 5 business days.
Bewood Unique.
Wood and Resin case.
Each series is only a dozen or so pieces. This guarantees the total uniqueness of the product.
zegarki drewniane
One of a kind.

Now a bit about the production process of our new cases. In order to create a case which is a combination of resin and wood we need to obtain and properly prepare pieces of wood. These can be unique, especially in Texas, such as cholla cactuses or beautiful poplar wood with a burr structure or visually stunning Indonesian suar wood. In fact, it can be any wood that will blend well with resin. In this case, we are only limited by our imagination and the possibilities of obtaining it, as we bring wood for you from all over the world.

Discarded, unnecessary pieces of wood – we give them second life.

OProperly prepared wooden elements are then flooded with resin, whose unique colour is obtained by means of properly selected dyes. From this combination we produce small blocks from which we then cut the thin elements intended for the case. And it is at this point that the uniqueness of a given pattern becomes apparent.

In one series we can produce from a few to a dozen or so cases and we will inform you about it with a special counter. Also, if you like the colour combination of wood and resin, do not hesitate to buy it. Hurry up, because after buying the series, it will no longer be possible to buy a case with identical wood arrangement and resin colours. In this case, time and determination will count.
zegarki drewniane
Unique – according to the dictionary of Polish language, it is an object that is: exceptional, special, rare, one of a kind, extraordinary, unique. That is exactly what our new Unique series cases and bracelets are like – simple as that - and you will find out more below.

The most important features.

• 100% protection;
• Made of natural wood and resin;
• Light, does not thicken the phone;
• Perfectly adapted to the shape of the phone;
• Anti-slip layer for a firm grip;
• Easy access to the charging socket, keys and ports;
• Carefully designed button stamps;
• Compatible with front safety glass;
• Manual woodworking and finishing;
• Precision of workmanship;
• We give second life to old, damaged, unnecessary, knotty pieces of wood;
• Manual mixing and staining of resin;
• Style and elegance;
• Compatible with induction chargers, including (primarily) Bewood chargers;
• Ideal combination of functionality with excellent design

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