Smoked Oak.
Smoked oak – is a special variation of wood made from trees or rarely high bushes of the Fagaceae family (Fagaceae Dumort). This family consists of 200 species occurring mainly in temperate zones in the Northern Hemisphere (among others in Poland) and in high terrains in the tropical zone. Oaks are famous for large sizes, they are the thickest Polish trees and their diameter may exceed 3 metres for the height up to 25-35 metres. Oak wood is relatively heavy and tough, therefore it is commonly used in woodwork and furniture industry. Moreover, it is highly resistant to abrasion. Oak wood is usually yellowish brown and has clearly defined structure with knots characteristic of oak. Smoked oak colour becomes dark as a result of long-lasting and remarkably precise process of heat treatment – smoking. The diversity of rings, revealed as a result of ‘smoking’, reacts on the light in an unusual manner changing the complexion depending on the angle of incidence of the light. The above mentioned features will make our case change in front of our eyes depending on what angle we look at it from.